Milton, FL was established in 1844. Though I have lived in Milton my whole life, I haven't taken the time to really look at the area. With this series of photographs I will be documenting the discovery of my hometown through the people who live there and will allow for the photographs to speak for themselves. I will be using to create my book. It will be 10x8, hardcover with a dust jacket. The book will consist of up to 20 pages of full bleed photographs.

Book Layout

I want to do an 8x10 with a dust jacket. I've designed the front cover, but don't have an image for the back cover yet. I will also be putting my artist statement on the back cover. Let me know if I should change anything.

Front cover:

front cover

Back cover: [still in the works]

back cover still in process

1 comment:

  1. Hey,

    Lets redirect some attention to the artists' statement. It is very conversational, so pep up the academic language a bit, and describe a little more of WHY you are doing this. I do not mean that you must speak in a cold or distant fashion. Right now you aren't warm enough. You have some deep feelings about this place and its people. Tell us about it in a warm and smart way.

    Plus, you have many strong images. Most are shot landscape. You have chosen an 8x10 format. I would suggest 10x8, that way your largest photos taking up the most space will be the strongest, and you can place 2 verticals side by side to create the same amount of space as one landscape photo.

    Then, choose a stronger image for the cover, like the man walking in the empty space, and yellow lines.

    then you can draw a slight hint of that yellow for the text or create a bar of color for your white text to live on that adds to that composition.

    Now, your title is just floating, not anchored to the photo in any compositional way. Go visit rezvan or sam in the lab for some tips!

    Your noew photos are looking great! Keep it up!

